I think I’ll journey out some day to wondrous lands afar,
Or even chart a journey to a distant blazing star.
But rest assured that when my journey begs to take its cue,
Always know that when I go, this journey takes you too...
And in the winding route, this journey's bound to bide content,
But most of all take heed - let's make our journey life's event.

from JOURNEY TO BE, by Mark Slaughter

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Toting" Sheep

I finally found fabric I loved to create my own set of knitting bags! I went to a lovely little quilt shop in town at 7:30 am on New Years day for a huge sale they were having on their top-quality quilting fabric. I went to look at the batiks for my small project bags (always looking!!!!!) and I saw the sheep fabric. Perfect design, perfect colors! So after I finished the New York Collection bags and needle cases, I created for myself. Here they are:

The three bags and the needle case

The inside of the needle case

The needle holder

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